03: Pray
“How are you doing?”
(Share brief update, listen, pray, encourage)
Loving Accountability
Give an account of your obedience to your “Fish & Follow” goals you set from last week. (Mark 1:17)
Read the Command: In Matthew 6: 9-13, Jesus says...
Tell the Story: Jesus teaches about Prayer - Matthew 6: 5-15
Read the story aloud.
Discover: Pray, then use the Bible discovery questions below to discuss the story and reveal its meaning for our lives:
What do we learn from the story about God?
What do we learn from the people in the story?
Is there anything from the story Jesus wants us to obey?
Retell the story
Explore More (Optional)
Why do we pray?
Matthew 6: 9-13 - He hears. We desire His will on earth.
How do we pray?
By simply talking with God.
“Our Father...” = God is your heavenly father
“Hallowed be your name...” = Ask for God to glorify himself through your life
“Give us today our daily bread...” = Ask for your needs
“Forgive us our debts...” = Ask for forgiveness of any sin
“Deliver us from the evil one...” = Pray for the deliverance when you face temptation
Set Goals
Fish: Who will you share with this week?
Follow: What from today’s lesson does Jesus want you to obey this week?
Pray and ask God for His power to help you obey these goals.