Disciple-Making Training
Getting Started
Read Matthew 28:18-20:
Jesus says: “Go...make disciples”
The “411” Training equips Jesus’ followers to make disciples by answering these 4 questions in 1 hour (or less) on 1 sheet of paper:
WHY make disciples?
WHO to reach?
WHAT to say?
WHEN to get started?
1. Why? ⇾ Identity
Cross: We see in these verses that if you are in Christ Jesus, these two things are true of you because of Jesus:
v17 (person) - You have been made NEW! He has forgiven all your sins.
v20 (globe) - He has given you a new identity as His ambassador.
You cannot separate these two. You cannot become new without being an ambassador of Jesus and you cannot be an ambassador of Jesus without being made new.
2. Who? ⇾ Oikos Map
Oikos Map: Map out relationships of people in your life who are far from God.
Read John 17:20
4. When? ⇾ Set Goals
Set Goals: Plan out when we will make time to make disciples.
Pray: When will you pray each day for your Oikos Map?
Share: Who will you share the 3 Circles with and when?
Train: Who will you train in the "411" and when?
Start: Who will start discipleship with using the Commands of Christ and when?