10: Begin Long-Term Discipleship
“How are you doing?”
(Share brief update, listen, pray, encourage)
Loving Accountability
Give an account of your obedience to your “Fish & Follow” goals you set from last week. (Mark 1:17)
Prayer, Song, Lord's Supper, Give
Read the scripture aloud: Mark 1:1-8
Read the Scripture to yourself several times: Mark 1:1-8
Discover: Pray, then use the Bible discovery questions along with the “S.P.E.C.” method below to discuss the story and reveal its meaning for our lives:
What does this passage say about God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)?
What do we learn from the people in this passage?
S.P.E.C. asks: Is there a...
Sin to avoid?
Promise to claim?
Example to follow?
Command to obey?
Set Goals
Fish: Who will you share with this week?
Follow: What from today’s lesson does Jesus want you to obey this week?
Pray as the Lord directs you too, but remember to continue praying for boldness and wisdom to share the Gospel and make disciples. Also continue praying for all those who are far from God on your relationship map. Pray for 4th generation disciples and churches. Pray for Laborers. Pray God would accomplish His mission in and through your gathering until there is #NoPlaceLeft and Christ returns.