04: Go...Make Disciples
“How are you doing?”
(Share brief update, listen, pray, encourage)
Loving Accountability
Give an account of your obedience to your “Fish & Follow” goals you set from last week. (Mark 1:17)
Read the Command: In Matthew 28: 19-20, Jesus says...
Tell the Story: The Samaritan Woman - John 4:4-42
Read the story aloud.
Discover: Pray, then use the Bible discovery questions below to discuss the story and reveal its meaning for our lives:
What do we learn from the story about God?
What do we learn from the people in the story?
Is there anything from the story Jesus wants us to obey?
Explore More (Optional)
Who should we share with?
John 4:16 - our families, friends & neighbors
What should we say?
John 4:29 - The woman shared her story and Jesus’ story (the gospel)
Who is qualified to go?
John 4 - The Samaritan woman was! Every believer.
How should we go?
In groups of 2 or 3 throughout our neighborhood and city: a) praying, b) sharing, and c) looking for “Persons of Peace” to disciple in the very same things we are learning here.
Set Goals
Fish: Who will you share with this week?
Follow: What from today’s lesson does Jesus want you to obey this week?
Pray and ask God for His power to help you obey these goals.